Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

    Love likes a warm summer day that makes people feel relex, comfortable, enjoy, and sweet. Love needs respect, trust,and toleration. I love my husband, my kids, my parents, my sister and  brothers... We usually don't celebrate Valentine's day because my husband needs to work in the resturant, but he usually orders to delieve some beautiful flowers to me. He says that he feels so sorry to me that never can be with me together on Valentine's day. I never feel sad about it because I understand that the restaurant is very busy on that day.  In China, We have a different day to celebrate Valentine's day that it was called 'yuan shell' or 'Chinese valentine's day'. On that day, we usually eat the cicle small sticky rice power dessert that it was called 'yaun shell' too, it means together and complete. For old tradition,at the night time, people go out to join the lantern party that have opportunity to meet girl friend or boy friend. For the modern chinese, they normally celebrate the western Valentine's day.

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