Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is important

E. Love is patient and kind. Love is what your hear feels, love is a force of nature, emotion that comes from your heart. And when you care of someone, and  respect others that's also called love. It does not mean only for boyfriend and girlfriend. 
 F. I love my family and I also love my boyfriend. 
G. I do celebrate Valentine's Day because it makes me happy when I received gifts from the people who  loves me. And also you get together with the person that you love and  go on specially place that you will never forget. I remember when I was in Africa my boyfriend and I went  to the very famous restaurant and I always remember the place that we went on. 
H. We have the same day and the same name as Americans. On this day most young people celebrate the day and they only celebrate with  there boyfriend or girlfriend.

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