Thursday, April 19, 2012


There is nothing that makes me happy as a gift. Gift is something important that I believe makes human very happy. The reason why i thought of this is because when i get any kind gift from anyone that shows me that person is giving me something big quietly. getting quietly from some one is something gift too. I wish everyone loves giving gift, so that i can think i have big quietly. Gift is love, and love is gift for me. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Would you marry someone older than you?

In my opinion marrying someone much older than me is advantages. I wold marry someone older than me. I think ago does not a problem, as long as you feel happy be together with him. The old man will really takes good care of you, because they have many experience, they know how to make you happy and satisfy you. They will give you everthing you want. But many people always say that it would not work out, because the ago discrepance between you guys. in my mind, I would like marry a man who olden than me.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Would you married some one older than you?

I am married with someone that is 10 years older than me. In my case, the marriage has been working just fine. I think what really count is if you have the same thoughts that you husband has or you approach live almost the same way that he or she does. I believe that the age difference cannot be more than 15 years old. I don’t see the same thoughts or the same desires for two people with that much difference. In the other hand, I have met some couples that have 20 years of difference between their age, they have been marry for more than 15 years and they are very happy. My conclusion is that Love is not something that the human being has a formula. When it happen you just take it and enjoy it until you can.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Recently, I have changed in many ways. One of them is that now there are people who I love. I have been thinking what is called love. That is I care about them because it is that a I can see their smiles.
I think it must also have the ability and responsibility for keeping the love you can.Usually, people who talk about the love that wasn't relate with me  I thought,but  those appears who I want to take care of those who I want to give this, and I have to keep it is my responsibility it able to if I have enough ability.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I thing love not just for lover, have many kind of love you have in your life. In my mind family love is more important than lover love. Love make people happy, lover love make me sad. Love let you learn many thing.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

happy valentine's day

love is special for everyone .everyone can find a lover in your life . maybe now , you are looking for ? in this day , some girls had some gifts and flowers . they have good dinner on 14 ,2 .2012. like me , i find own lover. he wainting for me in the morning and give me pink roses . he waiting for me 2 0 miuntes in my house gate until i get up . i am so moving for him . i tell myself that i will be good for him .
love is forever if you find you lover . share happiness and sadness. share everything in your life . you don't be worry, you will find your soulmate as soon as possible .

Valentine's Day

Love is a strong feeling. You can’t touch, but you truly can feel it when you have it. Sometime love could be sweet like you are eating chocolate. However, sometime love could be painful like your finger attacked by a hammer. Also there has different kind of love. The ways you love family, friend, and mate are different. I love my family, friend and my mate, if a have one. I do not celebrate Valentine’s Day because I do not have a girlfriend now. If I have one, I think every day will be a Valentine’s Day. In my country we have a special day to celebrate love called Qixi festival and on this day we usually spend all day with our mate just like Valentine’s Day.

Valentine's Day

Love may be in a wild ambit. It can mean the relationship between you and your family, your friend, your mate, etc. For my understanding, love is you help someone subliminally when he/she is in need. People also have many festivals that express their love, such as Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day. Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, but I don’t have a girlfriend now pityingly. And I was like asking every single person to accompany me when it will be Valentine’s— “Do you have any program on Valentine? Let’s go somewhere that day because I don’t want to be alone.” I was with my mother at last because she has a day-off yesterday. Memorize that it cost a lot whenever it was Valentine’s Day. The worse thing is that there are totally three days like Valentine’s Day in China. That means you have to pay for it three times! Fine, continue working hard on finding girlfriend, and this is also another goal for this semester besides getting three “A”.

Happy Valentine's Day

         Love is a sentiment hard to explain, actually there is no appropriate word to define it, but you may do some some actions to show it. I love mean a lot of and it must be said sincerely. I do celebrate Valentine's day because i think it is a special day to show to your love how much you her and do something special. But it is not the only day for that remembered. In my country 90% of the populations are Muslim and do not accept it or authorize it the celebration in their family and do not have a special day to celebrate love. In this day, young people are following the European culture.


I think love is a Complex word. There have many definitions about love. All of that are correct. But that is not everything. I am sure if someone asks me what love is. I will say, I don’t know. When I was single, I thought love is just between you and your lover. But when I have my lover, it’s changed. Love is not just the meaning of love. It’s totally different. I feel the love but I can’t tell what that is. I think love have the different meaning for every Relationship. Each person has their different opinion about love. And we never know who is right.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is Love

Love is unlimit. It always around me, but I hard to feel it. Whatever, I love my family, my friends and myself. I don't celebrate Valentine's day because I am single. And I am not look forward to celebrate it. If I love someone, everyday will be Valentine's Day. This is my opinion, I think that it's special. In China,
we have a special day to celebrate love called Yuanxiao. On that day, we will go to the square and guess the lantern riddles. Some riddles are easy and some are hard. If you guess it out, you will get some gifts.

Happy Valentine's Day

    Love likes a warm summer day that makes people feel relex, comfortable, enjoy, and sweet. Love needs respect, trust,and toleration. I love my husband, my kids, my parents, my sister and  brothers... We usually don't celebrate Valentine's day because my husband needs to work in the resturant, but he usually orders to delieve some beautiful flowers to me. He says that he feels so sorry to me that never can be with me together on Valentine's day. I never feel sad about it because I understand that the restaurant is very busy on that day.  In China, We have a different day to celebrate Valentine's day that it was called 'yuan shell' or 'Chinese valentine's day'. On that day, we usually eat the cicle small sticky rice power dessert that it was called 'yaun shell' too, it means together and complete. For old tradition,at the night time, people go out to join the lantern party that have opportunity to meet girl friend or boy friend. For the modern chinese, they normally celebrate the western Valentine's day.

Love is important

E. Love is patient and kind. Love is what your hear feels, love is a force of nature, emotion that comes from your heart. And when you care of someone, and  respect others that's also called love. It does not mean only for boyfriend and girlfriend. 
 F. I love my family and I also love my boyfriend. 
G. I do celebrate Valentine's Day because it makes me happy when I received gifts from the people who  loves me. And also you get together with the person that you love and  go on specially place that you will never forget. I remember when I was in Africa my boyfriend and I went  to the very famous restaurant and I always remember the place that we went on. 
H. We have the same day and the same name as Americans. On this day most young people celebrate the day and they only celebrate with  there boyfriend or girlfriend.


For me love is the thing no one can hold it forever. Love is something have to take a long time to get it, then hold it as long as you can. At the end, just let LOVE free. Two people go together and can be hold it all their life is so hard. We don't need to show how strong we are loving, we just need to know we love each other and we always next to each other. I hope everyone can find their right person.


Love is something I don´t know how happen, but it happen. When you fall in love you are the happier person in the world. However we can use the word love at many ways: you can love your family, food, friends, even your pet.  All are different and all are good.  To me the real love is love that you fell for this special person that makes you feel on line with. I love a lot of people and a lot of things but I do not celebrate Valentine´s today because I´m not in love today, I was a few years ago, and I have very good memories. In Spain we have the same Valentine´s Day we call it "Dia de San Valentin" or "Dia de los enamorados" (Lovers Day), and on this way we used to do presents, cheap or expensive, it depends of your budget, go out to have a dinner or only spend all the time that you can with she or he special one.

I hope that you have an incredible Valentine´s day.


I love Valentine's Day

Today is a big day for whoever not single, but for me this is a sadness begin. I have been single since 2005, no girl friend, no love, and haven't feel a love for longtime. In here i hope whoever not single people respect your love, and treasure your love. Whoever single wish you can get a love as soon as possible.

I think love is emotional

I love my family

I dont celebrate because i do not have a girl friend, my family is in China also.

In China, we have a special day to celebrate love called 情人套餐, 便宜又实惠, means(couples dinner). You will like it because it only made for couples. On this day all i gonna do is palying computer game, because i have no girl friend yet.

What is love?

I have experience for the love. I have been marriage 5 years. I want to share what is love. Love is patient. Love is kind. It has no envy. It is different between marriage and not marriage. Love is sweet, lax and caress ant before marriage. Love is together with life and shares your joy and sorrow, inderstand each other with his or her family for after marriage. Provide space to each other.
Love is an emotion of strong affection and personnal attachment.
Love is so short,forgetting is so long.
 It is better not to love than to love because love hurt.
I don't celebrate Vealentine's day because I'am not in love and Love hurt.
In Benin we celebrate Valentine day like in Paris.
Like anywhere in the world lover give themselve a great present .


In my opion, love means forever and forgive.  Love is simple, so that all of us know about it. Love is

hard, so that people always get hurt from it. True love is forgive whatever you did wrong, because you

are family. So it doesn`t really matter about how big is that wrong. Love need trust either, this is the

most important between lovers. If you love him/her, so you shouldn`t susprct easily.  So true love

means forgive,  and forver. Just like the picture.

A Special day for Love

Love is a feeling that really can't be described. I think love is you really want to take care of someone. When you do anything before, you first think about he / she or them (family and friends) feeling.
I love my husband, except my family he is one of the most importance for me.
I do celebrate Valentine’s Day because this is a special day for couples to express our love, and make more wonderful memories for later to recollect slowly.
I China we have a special day to celebrate love called Tanabata Festival at July 7th, and on this day we usually have play at outside such as hiking, picnic etc. Some people have dinner with their family, and some people have dinner with friend.

Love is something hard to explain with words. But I will try.
I believe that love is every good attitude that you make to another
person. Love is trust, companionship, respect, etc… I only believe that you are
able to love someone if you love yourself first.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Simple love

                        Love is a simple thing in our life, wherever we can see it  ,whenever we can catch it
 I love a girl who can make me fell that love is not cabined,because I like to live more freedom.

 I do not celebrateValentine's day because I think if you love someone who also love you so much,so everday is a Valentine's day.So we just do some simple things in Valentine's day is ok.

In China we have a special day to celebrate love called Festival of lanterns' day,and on this day we usually eat some dumplings.And some sweethearts would go to watch the beautiful lanterns, that's a really romantic thing.

Happy Valentine's Day

Love is a strong and special relationship between people.

I love my parents and my sister. I love my family and my friends. I appreciate this love especially because I am so far away from Germany. You learn a lot about your real friends.
I also love my hostfamily and my wonderful new friends which spend this exciting time with me.

I don't celebrate Valentine's Day because I think it is just a day to spend a lot of money for nothing. I think words can make you more happy then gifts.

In Germany we celebrate Valentine's Day but it is just a day for lovers.

Happy Valentine's day

a. Love is spend money because if you have girl/boy friend, you should buy something for him/her when some days such as Valentines's day , chirstmas day and something like that..
b. I love my family.. actually I'm living in Chicago alone... so recently I realized the importance of my family...
c.I do celebrate Valentine's day because now I have girl friend... so I have to celebrate Valentine's day. If I don't have girlfriend, I don't celebrate Valentine's day..
d. In korea, we have a special day.... Actually, in USA, when the Valentine's day, we give chocolate each other. However in our country, we have other a special day that name is White day. It is similer with Valentine's day. However when the Valentine's day, only female who is girl and woman gives chocolate to male; on the other hand, when the White day, male who is boy and man gives chocolate to female. A Valentine's day is Jan 14 and A White day is march 14..

Valentine's Day

1. e. Love is respect to others.
f. I love everything that makes me happy.
g. I do not celebrate Valentine's day because I have other plans.
h. In Ukraine we have a special day to celebrate love called Valentine's Day and on this day we exchange love gifts.